
Find a human.

When you need an idea get out of the office and out of your own mind. Sit at a coffee shop and strike up a conversation. Take the bus and sit beside someone interesting. Walk to Times Square or anyplace you find tourists. They’re always willing to talk. You’ll be amazed how many people will open up to you, a total stranger, about a product. Make up a yarn about “doing market research” or something.

You can surf the Internet for ideas. The trouble is, you won’t find any real people there to interact with. And you’re still just sitting there in your office. Somebody out there will give you the idea you need, because the idea you need is rooted in human emotion and experience.

Go find that human.


David Fowler created long-running advertising campaigns for Motel 6 ("We'll leave the light on for you"), BP ("Beyond Petroleum"), Fanta ("Wanta Fanta"), Claritin ("Claritin Clear") and many others. His forty-year creative career included twenty years at Ogilvy & Mather in New York, as well as stints at Goodby, Silverstein in San Francisco, Ammirati & Puris in New York and The Richards Group in Dallas.